Rates & Office Policies


Fees are due at time of service. Rates are currently $225 for a 50-minute session and $340 for a 90-minute session.
Payments are made in the form of cash, check, credit card, or flex spending account credit cards.


I do not take insurance at this time. I will, however, provide you with a Superbill that can be submitted to your insurance company. Many insurance companies reimburse for “out-of-network” mental health coverage. Please check your coverage carefully by asking your insurer whether you have mental health insurance benefits, if your plan reimburses for out-of-network providers and for what amount per session, what your deductible might be, how many sessions per year your insurer covers, and whether approval from a primary care physician is required.

Office hours

Office hours are Monday through Friday from 8a.m. to 6p.m., by appointment only. Voicemails left after 4p.m. may not be responded to that same day.

Appointments and Cancellations 

Individual appointments are generally 50-minutes in length and are held exclusively for you. Couples, family, or group therapy sessions may be scheduled for 90 minutes or longer.

Requests to increase the session length need to be discussed with me in advance in order for time to be properly scheduled. Longer sessions will be billed on a prorated basis. Phone calls over 15 minutes will be billed on a prorated basis.

Please remember to cancel or reschedule 24 hours in advance. Once an appointment hour is scheduled, you will be expected to pay for it unless you provide 24 hours advance notice of cancellation. This is necessary because your appointment is held exclusively for you and late cancellations/no shows can negatively affect other clients. If you are late for a session, you may lose some of that session time. If I am ever unable to start on time, I ask for your understanding and I assure you that you will receive the full time agreed to. 

Good Faith Estimate

You are entitled to receive this “Good Faith Estimate” of what the charges could be for psychotherapy services provided to you. While it is not possible for a psychotherapist to know, in advance, how many psychotherapy sessions may be necessary or appropriate for a given person, this form provides an estimate of the cost of services provided.